EIPPEE second annual conference

What progress have we made in achieving evidence informed policy and practice and what are our future visions for such work?

On 5 and 6 March 2013, the EIPPEE (Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education in Europe) project will host its second conference in Frankfurt, Germany. It will examine the current state of evidence informed policy and practice across Europe and ask how far we have come to ensure that education policy and practice is informed by the best available research. Several CEBE colleagues will be involved in workshops: about Evidence-based CPDSchool-University Knowledge Exchange Schemes and Evidence and the Media.

An ambitious aim of the conference is to set out the next steps that must be taken in this domain and look at the role of the international EIPPEE Network within this.The conference – co-hosted with our partners the German Institute for International Educational Research (DIPF)– will include an optional pre-event training workshop on 4 March

If you are interested in attending this free event see and registerhere